coconutman351 wrote:My Seiko SDGA001 keeps going into power save mode even when it's under direct sunlight also my battery status always show full charge. I believe it still has the original rechargeable capacity cell so technically it's 10-11 yrs old.
Has anyone who replaced their cell capacitor notice any improvements in the power save mode? Per the manual the watch should only go into Power Save mode when no light is present else the time should always be displayed. My EPD behaves like an LED watch were I have to keep pushing a button to get it out of Power Save mode just view the time. Not what I expected but I"m hoping a new capacitor cell may resolve this issue.
A full charge on an 11 year old cell may represent little actual reserve. Especially if the watch went unused and went into a deep discharge. So the watch may put itself into power save to protect what little electrical reserve is available. The worst that can happen from changing the cell is nothing improves. I suspect your watch will perform as new.