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Brexit Thoughts

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Brexit Thoughts

Post27 Jun 2016, 16:47

How do you think Brexit will affect the watch market?
I would be interested to hear how Brexit is viewed from others outside the UK.
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post27 Jun 2016, 23:01

Great and difficult questions to answer. Mister Cameron took a gamble to get more influence in his own party to let them see he was worth to be a good prime minister and it backfired on him. A few months ago the European community discussed special rules just for the uk alone to accommodate him in his quest to help him get the people of the uk to understand the importance of being in the eu, but he never communicated it to his people. The problem with countries who never been involved in a real war think it will never happen to them, holding tight to old memories of dominance of a ancients world. But this is rule nr 1...people don't like change. The world is going in 2 different speeds. Economically, it's all about being dominant in your field, so bigger is better...If you want to be a player, you have to be big. So we have to work like fools to keep up and enjoy the same goods and easy life like in the 70ties and 80ties. On the other hand many small businesses work their butt of to give customers more then a cold (by price) sale (like myself) and already know that we've lost the race. I still have an excellent business but there is no progress anymore. In other words, if I had my business 30 years ago I would earn 5 times as much for the same energy I had to put in. It's just like a factoryworker who works hard but sees no gratitude from his big company who earns every month more and more and more.
You see every coin has 2 sides.
I applaud the uk but not for the right raison. The Eu is founded to tacle the problem other regions in the world are getting so big and strong to would dominate us on every aspect thinkable and to make the European market easier accessible for everybody. Every country still have there own sovereignty and borders ( remember..people don't like change), but we must have common rules that are the same for every member. Now a uk company only can make electric plug for the uk.
But so many members, brings many differed opinions... so taking an decision is a very slow painstaking process + the Eu is a very bad communicator + a few excesses of minister who think they're above the law brings the conservative people to idea that it's all bad.
So bad and wrong communication led to Brexit, I agree that we have to change the way the Eu is working now, but falling apart will not be the solution. Its all about working together and communicate with each other, don't forget the uk will not swim away :lol:
Businesses will have no problem coping with it because they will find a way but they won't keep up with the Eu.
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 02:19

I might have misunderstood, but are you saying that Britain has never been involved in a real war?
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 08:03

I was waiting that question...a real war like your whole country is invaded for years, with people who are driven out of their houses ...your own houses..your private space where you grew up. It feels like your history is erased. We've seen it twice over the last 100 years and it always starts with a few men who thinks they are better then all the rest. You never have to worry about the rest, always keep an eye on the few who shout to hard.
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 13:29

My view is this country voted out for social reasons not economic. the economy was never going to improve by leaving the EU. The EU is basically a bunch of countries where the rich countries throw money at the poorer ones (an ever increasing list- Turkey next). I for one was fed up of this and previous Governments gifting money away when , at present here, you cant see a doctor or dentist for days, A+E dept at the local hospital is minimum 5 hours wait - permanently, the local school has a classroom where 6 different languages are spoken. I dont and never have wanted to integrate with these people or pay for them and their children to be housed, educated etc and they certainly dont want to integrate with us.
Thats before you get into the EU's pointless meddling with how bent a banana is allowed to be, how much chocolate you must have on a Jaffa cake etc. Crap thought up by pointless failed politicians like Neil kinnock (who invites his whole family along for the gravy train ride)
I really dont understand why the UK didnt implement a points system like Australia, if we need one, then hire one, irrespective of race/colour.
I honestly believe if the UK hadnt voted "out" , this country would have had very serious civil unrest in the coming years
These are some of the things i dont understand though-
Why couldnt the EU have had a free open market and KEPT border controls ?
Why have the MEPs expenses never been scrutinised the way the UK MPs were ?
Why does the EU enviromental policy insist i pay a tariff for a plastic bag in Asda, THEN insist my household rubbish can only be collected if its in a plastic bag ?
In the 70s we had bin men that used to empty your crap into the back of the cart- end of. We had better watches (led :-D )
The only fly in the ointment was that TWAT Ted Heath, that got us into this crap in the first place
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 14:52

Kasper wrote:I was waiting that question...a real war like your whole country is invaded for years, with people who are driven out of their houses ...your own houses..your private space where you grew up. It feels like your history is erased. We've seen it twice over the last 100 years and it always starts with a few men who thinks they are better then all the rest. You never have to worry about the rest, always keep an eye on the few who shout to hard.

I'm pretty sure a fair few British soldiers died liberating you from that occupation, we haven't been invaded in a long long time no, but we do know war.
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 15:04

I can share your view Gjlelec, in Belgium it's the 2030 there will be more then 50% moslim people in Brussels. I don't have no problem with that as long as they adapt to our way of life. Most of them do but a minority still lives in the 15 century and try to impose their view on other less educated people. And teenagers are so easy to manipulate because they lack live experience and a broader view on the world with its differences. Don't forget we are just now understanding that other religions have never experience a diversity like we have here in europe. In other words we have all evolved the last 200 years and some religions not.
We always had the idea that other religions would adapt to ours if they come to live here,..but that didn't work for everybody. Multi-culture only works if we leave religion out of the package :-D
the local school has a classroom where 6 different languages are spoken. I dont and never have wanted to integrate with these people or pay for them and their children to be housed, educated etc and they certainly dont want to integrate with us.
you are right..i have the same opinion but it's to late to impose our rules's just leads to a civil war in the worst case...there are just to many. You can also not blame them because they are just following the rules of your country...we gave them money, we gave them education, we gave them a house etc..we just forgot to be a bad teacher and ask things for return like full integration without exception. We can still do it but it will take a full commitment of the governement and over 20 years. It will cost money, money no country has at the moment.

Another interesting view

Eu could not have an open free market cause other would just invade us and we all we trying to speak chinese cause we had to work in chinese companies for example. We have border controle in all chenghen countries. The problem is that some countries have bad border controle and other very good. But one way or can never close the border's impossible. A better way is to try to give people from outside the Eu a better life in their own country. Build a few big cities controlled by a mixture of world people in afghanistan or Irak so they can stay in their own homeland.

Most Rules like the plastic bags, the minions banana's etc are made with every country around the table...they took the griefs of every country involved and tried to make a rule that works for everybody and in the best intrest of all the countries. So if you pay to much for a platic bag...blame it on your own country :-D

and was not so complicated in the 60-70 and 80ties...we hardly knew anything of our neigborhood countries.
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 20:34

Its not paying for a plastic bag i object to.Its paying for a plastic because they cause environmental damage in landfill THEN the same people saying "your rubbish cant be collected unless its in a black bag". No one empties the crap out of the black bag and recycles the bag .I work on a landfill site, i watch 100s of tons of them get buried. Its hypocrisy and we have to pay for it
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post28 Jun 2016, 22:34

What happened to the biodegradable carrier bags we had a few years ago?
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post29 Jun 2016, 07:28

A few thoughts on the matter... .... ...
We didn't need a bunch of un-elected EU bureaucrats to screw up the county - we elected our own MP's to do that job, lets now watch how badly they handle the process of leaving the EU.
Being a member of the EU could/should of been a great thing for the country if it had not been run so very badly!
Here in the UK it was a difficult decision to make - so many lies, half truths, speculation, scare mongering, conjecture and differing opinions to pick through from both sides of the debate.
I wonder if Boris Johnson has the balls to run for PM - he has gone very quiet following the vote.
Time to find out who our true friends are!

gjlelec - Excellent observation with the plastic bags - I had never thought of that - now you mention it it does seem crazy!!!!

Yes - My main concern is also about banana's are they going to grow them bendy again now that we are leaving the EU? I have just got used to the straight ones for my 'narna sarnie's'. :grin1:




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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post29 Jun 2016, 10:25

Apparently Neil Kinnock is going to have a EU grant to open a banana bending factory c/w generous pension.
Got to say i lmao at Farage telling the MEPs "none of you have ever had a proper job etc" Cutting but true. We have people running countries and even continents who have never even run a corner shop.
And while i'm ranting about MPs, i have some sort of mental problem with Micheal Gove even though he was a Brexit man. I just want to hit him, i can imagine him as a youngster in school, Prefect, defo. He brings the school bully out in me. he reminds me of a duck , lots going on beneath the surface, auto erotic asphyxia or summat. Married but with a secret life imo (you heard it here first folks- but not if he sues)
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post03 Jul 2016, 21:09

Just saw this one pasting by :-D
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post04 Jul 2016, 10:15

It´s a lose/lose/lose/lose Situation

- The EU loses one of it´s biggest and most important members. As a result it is less powerful.
- Germany (my country, that´s why I name it) loses free access to an important export market and an ally to make some changes within the EU. That means less trade in goods which probably will hurt Germany more than the UK.
- I lose, as I have to go to the customs each time to pick up a LED watch (if you assume, GB will trade with the EU like Norway or Switzerland).
- GB loses, as the country loses free access in services to EU countries and with a weak Pound the budget deficit rises even more which means more austerity in the long run.

I am with Kasper. The EU has to Change. If it fails to adress the much needed changes the EU will not survive. I can understand the reasons why more than 50% voted "out".

I believe the UK with May will negotiate a trade agreement like Norway or Switzerland as the export share of 50% to EU countries is just too big. Everything else would be suicide or a really ugly divorce. The negotiation with the EU to reach that stage will be quite easy as the UK has an export deficit with the EU. The UK would have to accept free movement of people. This agreement (like Norway or Switzerland) means free trade of goods but not Services (Switzerland has a service deficit with the EU for this reason). The City will loose passporting rights. As I believe that neither Paris nor Frankfurt nor Dublin are good enough to do the Job the european Banking will loose in general and nobody gains.

For me it´s not a matter of good or bad. I just try to analyse the situation and estimate myself what will probably happen. At the moment I cannot see why Brexit could be an advantage for any Country in Europe.
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Re: Brexit Thoughts

Post08 Jul 2016, 01:22

I agree nobody wins.
Although I said to everyone who asked me my thoughts before the vote. "It's not if we stay or go that is the most important, it's under what circumstances we stay or leave. :scratch:
I said if we go it's gonna hurt (and that's not just the UK.)
If we stay it's really gonna hurt eventually, when they hold us into a united federal states of Europe.
Pants down over the barrel, take it live a man.

Maybe once again GB is gonna have to go out on a limb to stop the fat cats from taking the piss anymore.
Let's face it if anyone can etc.etc.
The whole EU situation smacks to much of George Orwell's Animal Farm.
And now we've run the farmer out of town again.
So are we just changing fat cat's (pigs) in Brussels for fat cat's in London.
I said all along we won't see any of the billions we pay into the EU.
No our PIGS will skim that off for themselves.
The common man always foots the bill.
Let's face it it's much easier to get £1 from a million different people than get £1000'000 from an individual.
So there we have it guy's in the words of one Bart Simpson "you're dammed if you do and you're dammed if you don't.
That is unless other European countries grasp the nettle and tell Major, Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer et all to go take a hike and go back to a simpler common market idea and bury all that red tape that's been feeding them for so long.
Remember one thing guys all animals are equal.
But some are more equal than other's.
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