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Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

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Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 01:16

I just received a P4 Classic DOW....said by the seller to be minty. Upon arrival (a Thursday) I noticed the day-of-week read WE for Wednesday. I reset it to read TH for Thursday, and it went immediately back to WE. I reset it to every other day of the week, and it always returns to WE. I removed the cells, and tried it all again....same always returns to WE. Never seen this particular fault before!

Any ideas?

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 02:34

I have 2 DOW's 403 Pulsars and neither have ever acted up, let alone like that. You might get some answers on here but I would also see what the seller has to say about that issue. If the setting functions do not work correct;ly and the seller said Minty, I would have an issue with that!
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 03:06

I've never seen this problem before, either. It isn't so much that the setting function doesn't work per se, it just doesn't "take", at least as far as the day goes. Everything else works fine.
And yeah, I'm a bit miffed that a "minty" watch was shipped with a fault. And the other P4 I bought at the same time from the same seller also has problems. I'll wait another day or two for a reply before taking it further.

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 03:18

mark of time?
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 04:18

Timecollector wrote:mark of time?

No. I didn't start this thread to name names, at least not while the matter is still unsettled. I just wanted some advice on the module fault; if anyone had run into it before, possible cause and/or fix. I have a feeling it's a chip/logic problem and not fixable without a module swap, but it's a new one for me so I thought I'd ask the experts here.

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 08:03

Actually, I have seen this particular ideosyncracy once, on a DOW Big Time (different model, but same module, obviously). It sets fine, but doesn't like to stay on Saturday. Since the problem seems to be in the DOW switching logic, and therefore INside the IC, I would consider this an unrepairable defect. If the watch was described as "minty", I would at least expect the watch to function correctly, in every way. If I was a PayPal arbitrator, and you wanted your money back, I would give it to you; this is not a trivial departure from what the description implicitly implies. As I continue to say, eBay is a minefield
for buyers; your best bet is still to confine your purchases to known and established collectors and sellers. If your seller falls into those categories, you should have little problem getting a substantial reduction in price, or a full refund. And, if the transaction goes seriously bad, I'm sure everyone here would want to know who it is, so we can stay away in droves. Shielding an unethical seller from the public is ethically questionable in itself, since only the wrong person would benefit.
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 18:07

Thanks, Bruce. That's what I unrepairable logic problem. I haven't used ebay for many years; this was from another collector with whom I've done business before. It's probably just one of those things which escaped their attention. I doubt there was any intent to ship a faulty watch, but it's annoying and a hassle I don't really need right now. Oh well, stuff happens!
The seller replied to me, and ok'd sending the watch back for a module swap -hopefully- for a functioning one.

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 18:43

Sounds like this is going to turn out OK for you...but, I must say, as a (really!) serious collector, this would NOT have escaped my notice. Every watch I own, and, certainly, any watch I sell, goes through a sort of "pre-flight checklist" type of inspection. I actually keep a list, by serial number, of watches I have that don't quite measure-up (fortunately, a very short list, now). Finally, especially on eBay, any watch that isn't 100% functioning should be considered non-working, and should be purchased, if at all, at a correspondingly reduced price. The only exceptions I now make to that rule are...solid gold (here, cosmetic condition becomes essentially irrelevant), or case and bracelet (if stainless or goldfill) in near-pristine or better condition. Either way, if the price goes out-of-bounds, I pass, and wait for something better (panic-buying is the worst thing you can do).
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 19:30

I agree, Bruce. I also take my watch collecting seriously. I see "mint" and "minty" tossed around so casually these days I take it with a grain of salt. On the rare occasion when I sell a watch, I under-represent it so the buyer will get more then she/she was expecting. Other sellers may, or may not.
I really don't know what happened here. I suspect the seller set the time and date, and assumed everything was ok. Had he pushed the date button once more, he'd have seen the day reset to WE and discovered the problem prior to shipping. OR....maybe an airport X-ray somewhere enroute fried it, if that's even possible. Oh well...stuff happens. I'm always prepared to give a (previously) trusted seller the benefit of the doubt, as long as the problem is fixed correctly. He seems willing to do this. We shall see....

edit: FWIW, this wasn't a "panic buy", but a carefully considered one from a seller I'd had previous -essentially trouble free- dealings with.

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post28 Apr 2014, 23:26

I hope you get everything worked out. The reason I asked about 'mark of time' is I have seen that seller swamp the Pulsar sales area on ebay lately with high priced run of the mill Pulsars and many have actually sold. This collector hobby can be quite tricky. I have had several experiences that I didn't expect but I worked out what I had to and its all good. I have backed off any future buying for now. probably very gun shy right now. Paid good money for items that weren't as they were described, even after doing my homework. best to sit and watch for awhile.

I hope you get a nice working 403 module without much future drama!!!! :Hi:
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post29 Apr 2014, 00:00

Thanks. I'm sure it will work out fine. But I get the "gun shy" feeling; I'm feeling a little of that right now, which is unfortunate. The seller has a couple of other watches I'd like including a Pulsar calc, one of the Pulsars that I don't have in my collection. Not really sure if I want to proceed with that, or look elsewhere. Seems to be getting harder and harder to know who to trust these days, especially since I'm not as active in this community are most of you are.

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post30 Apr 2014, 22:33

Timecollector wrote: Paid good money for items that weren't as they were described, even after doing my homework. best to sit and watch for awhile.

I hope you get a nice working 403 module without much future drama!!!! :Hi:

Ahhh the old homework issue. M:)W:)M ;-) ;-)
Probably one of my better ones. :grin1:
(mother)"Pete have you done your homework?"
(Pete) a very resilient "YES"
Now? How I wish now she had added the word Properly :sad:

Who ever it was/is I personally would give them the benefit of the doubt....
"Better the devil you know" Not saying they are the devil but you get my meaning. I think :scratch:
Good Luck from me too. Sherry :Prost:
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UPDATE Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post14 May 2014, 19:44

Well, the seller made good and sent my Classic back in good working order, and even included a few freebies in with it. We all know these watches can fail at any time, but this one is working well on arrival, so it's all good.

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post14 May 2014, 22:36

This sounds like my friend Nick; if it is him, you were never in danger of coming out a loser in this transaction. If I'm right, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you mentioning him by name; or even if not, they deserve public acknowledgement of how professionally they handled a problem.
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post16 May 2014, 18:28

It was I. Stuff happens.
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post16 May 2014, 22:28

Well, I don't know where the hell my post from this morning went, but yes, it was Ed. Stuff happens. When stuff happened, Ed handled the problem very well, as I had no doubt he would. My P4 collection is complete, and I'm a happy camper.
Thanks very much, Ed!

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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post16 May 2014, 23:14

Well thats a good story ending. We all have had not so perfect experiences but most people will make good. My most favorite watch which is my avatar (P2 date) was not quite as described when I bought it although I was unaware of its issues until I tore it apart. I did a complete overhaul, cleaned the case, installed a new crystal as the old one was cracked on the inside and reassembled the watch. Since it is a watch I put some TLC into even with a not so great purchase it turned into my favorite. Thats how this hobby works! Some easy purchases, some take alittle more time to make right. :Prost:
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post16 May 2014, 23:37

Ah, so this came from Ed. Again, one of the very few sellers in this hobby who is still a safe bet...




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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post16 Sep 2014, 13:19

I know this is a older subject, but I too have a p4 classic dow that acts up on the day. You can set the dow. As long as you just press date function it stays correct. As soon as you view time, go back to date, the day jumps to another day of the week. Month and date stay correct. Time function is very accurate. Worked great when I got watch for quite awhile, just developed this problem about a year ago. They can't all be perfect.




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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post27 Oct 2014, 17:36

Update, I replaced batteries in that DOW classic that had the day that jumped around. The new power cells did the trick. Day stays where it is suppose to. All funtions work just fine. It always pays to try new batteries in these watches at first when some thing messes up. Easiest thing to try first. :-D
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Re: Here's a P4 problem I've never seen...

Post27 Oct 2014, 18:13

Pleased to hear that it proved to be a simple fix. :-)
Probably just goes to prove that the best batteries for these watches are the 'silver oxides' that hold there voltage to the end rather than the alkaline's which gradually loose it over a period of time until the failure point is reached.

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