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Who Are You? Take a turn.

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Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post17 Feb 2007, 04:48

:( This was a really nice topic started by user "Embelton".
I, the new site administrator DELETED IT. :x It was a bit under-utilized, so we are going to try again. I'll start it off in the next posting- sorry Emby!
Just block and copy the format below and you'll have a good start.
1.User name/real name if you want:
2.Birth year:
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy:
5.Favorite band(s):
6. Favorite movie(s):
7.Favorite type of watch:
8. Years collecting:
9.Other things you collect:
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home:

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity:
Last edited by retroleds on 17 Feb 2007, 05:06, edited 2 times in total. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post17 Feb 2007, 04:51

1.User name/real name if you want: Cantarella
2.Birth year:60
3.Occupation: computer guy, digital watch repair & sales.
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Music(play piano & bass, sing), hunting, working with my hands, reading good sci-fi.
5.Favorite band(s):NO real favorite..I like almost all musical styles,so I can't pick one.
6. Favorite movie(s): action and terror films.
7.Favorite type of watch: LED, square or angled face preferred over rounds, generally. Although, I do have an ever increasing '60s and Spaceman collection...I'm keen to jump hours if nicer.
8. Years collecting: MEchanicals & clocks about 25, digitals for 5.
9.Other things you collect: Guns,knives, coins, books, artwork.
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: Staying home with a "Do Not Disturb"sign on the bedroom door.

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: My ebay handle,"little1up" - it is my French Bulldog's nickname, since he has one ear that stands up(correct for breed) and one ear that hangs down. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post17 Feb 2007, 21:02

1.User Name - Fitron Fiend/Campbell
2.Birth - 1969
3.Occupation - Librarian. Ironically I no longer seem to have time to read any books.
4.Hobbies: Flinging myself on a bike down mountainsides, sometimes even together as one unit, often we have arguments about which way to go and split up painfully. Scuba when I can, DIY and reading - anything. I pick up books at random from my library. Best of all, mucking around with my family.
5.Fav band - Scissor sisters.
6.Fav Films - Mainly dumb ones, either comedy/action/horror but sometimes I go all French andintellectual.
7.Fav watch - squarish/octagonal, no rounds but curvy is nice.
8.Started about mid 2006, wanted one since 1976.
9.Other collections - nothing in particular these days - all ebayed away.
10. Good evening - home these days - family life is great but pub at least once a month with men for beers and hangover.
11.Ebay handle is Clangerstk - involves being attacked by a vicious puppy, defending myself with a banana and falling down a liftshaft.........honestly.
Last edited by Fitron on 11 Oct 2007, 21:28, edited 2 times in total.




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post20 Feb 2007, 14:34

1.User name: Aramchek - many science fiction fans might recognice it!
2.Birth year: 1973
3.Occupation: Student ('puters at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm - taking this program has the nice side effect of (almost) never being forced to use Windows during a few years)
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Computing, digital electronics, cycling, reading, music.
5.Favorite band(s): A strange mixture. Lots of industrial, but also, for instance, Nick Cave.
6. Favorite movie(s): Hmm... Probably Either 2001, Blade runner, Alien or 12 monkeys, depending on when I'm asked.
7.Favorite type of watch: Classic LED. In particular, I'd love to have the HP-01.
8. Years collecting: Not sure. Wanted them long before I actually started buying them.
9.Other things you collect: Calculators and a few types of computers.
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: Staying home.
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post20 Feb 2007, 15:51

1.User name/real name if you want: Fronzel Neekburm (old gag from the Space Quest 6 game)
2.Birth year: 1978
3.Occupation: Hard to say, Network administrator/Project manager would fit the best
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Watches, Computers, Video games, vintage electronics, miniatures, models
5.Favorite band(s): Booker T. and the MGs, Beatles, Rolling Stones
6. Favorite movie(s): Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, STarship Troopers, Aliens
7.Favorite type of watch: Generally too many. I love LEDs, especially HP-01 and Synchronar
8. Years collecting: Didnt count the years, but I'm guessing like 5 years?
9.Other things you collect: Laserdiscs, miniatures, renderings software, Aquazone (NOT Lego), much more silly stuff.
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: Staying at home with friends, so we can tell even more dirty jokes then at the pub and play silly video games.

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity:

Dunno, maybe my name is Mysterious (see question #1), probably most people hate me as I'm rather honest then polite. Oh one mysterious thing: I really nearly NEVER read or even reply to emails, only those that sent it to my company email address (And only because i MUST read these). My interests often change, meaning some weeks or months I'm mad about LED watches and stuff, next month I dont care about them and spend my time doing miniatures, programming or gaming.




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post20 Feb 2007, 22:55

1.User name/real name if you want: LiquidLed aka Geoff Jones
2.Birth year: 65
3.Occupation: Company Director, bespoke applications mostly SQL stuff
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: watches, driving... fast... There's no replacement for displacement :-)
5.Favorite band(s): almost anything now, but growing up was bias towards Genesis Floyd Zep Beatles.
6. Favorite movie(s): 2001, Alien
7.Favorite type of watch: Synchronar, Pulsar, Omega
8. Years collecting: 2
9.Other things you collect: calculators
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: home now

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity:
crap at writing in forums, hum that's not mysterious ;-)
Last edited by LiquidLed on 01 Feb 2008, 00:31, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post21 Feb 2007, 00:49

1.Real name: Alessio - my father called me Al, so it's Al now...
2.Birth year: 1966
3.Occupation: Graphics, and a million other things. In theory, I'm a lawyer :D
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Photography, music, movies, books, travels.
5.Favorite band(s): Beatles, Pink Floyd, Supertramp, and many others - before music became an exercise in recycling :twisted:
6.Favorite movie(s): So many, when cinema was free - if I have to name one, Apocalypse Now.
7.Favorite watch: Type: LED, in the last 30 years. Some early LCD. Make: Hammys, Pulsars, Witts, Bulovas and the Synch.
8.Years collecting: I'm not a real collector. Since 2005 I've bought a few, though.
9.Other things you collect: Two stroke Harley-Davidsons and american cars, but I promise to stop (who am I kiddin' V8 rules!)
10.Your idea of a good evening: at home with my wife and our cats. Some friends to discuss things at points 5 & 6, too.

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: T-bird is not mysterious, it's because I own and drive Thunderbirds, my signature is because I hate more-door cars, sorry.
There's a mystery, here: Why Ed deleted this same post just to re-post it :shock:

The site adminstrator interjects here: Al, I screwed up, started moving things without backing up(I should know better). The thread had gotten off track, so we are trying again - and you guys are doing BEAUTIFULLY!!
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Seer Taak

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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post24 Feb 2007, 03:50

I had it in mind never to fill in the old 'who are you' as i've pretty much led the life of an underperforming slacker, not that interesting to read, but for the record here goes :)

1.User name/real name if you want: Seer Taak/ Jim
2.Birth year:1970
3.Occupation: Data Analyst (far more boring than it sounds-if it sounds remotely interesting) Dream occupation: Exploration Geologist - graduated with a geology degree, but as is often the case, kinda fell into a totally different job.
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Rock climbing & I love the great outdoors, whatever the weather - so long as it's all dramatic.
5.Favorite band(s): The Smiths, The Clash, Aimee Mann, Pink Floyd, Smashing Pumpkins, Keane, Razorlight ... the list goes on
6. Favorite movie(s): Trainspotting, Blade Runner, The big blue, Anything with Kevin Spacey, or Jean Reno
7.Favorite type of watch: Drivers style LED, especially the SS JAZ swissonic with dark burgundy leather strap.
8. Years collecting:3-4
9.Other things you collect: Movies, Rocks and minerals, shoes - dont actually collect these, I just seem to have a fair few!
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home:Both have their place. The best night outs are not planned, the best night ins are. Most memorable night out of recent years, started with an impromptu drink between three old freinds, one of which was getting married soon. Somehow, at the encouragement of one of us, and the reluctance of the other two (me and my soon to be weded mate), we ended up in a lap dancing club. Soon to be married friend ended up spending more than the other two put together. Finally found ourselves in a casino, where we won back all the cash we spent earlier in the night. Not everyones taste, but a good night all the same.

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: Seer Taak is a bit of a homage to my favourite book of recent months - The Algebraist by Ian M Banks. It's a bit silly, but it replaces Abacus which was a name I thought (at the time) sounded clever, when I joined the DWF, with the intention of only posting one question, that i wanted info on.

P.S. No I didn't get into LED's to rekindle my childhood fascination. I do remember LED's, but don't recall having any great wish to have one - As an adult I just love the way they look.
The other day, my computer beat me at chess. It was rubbish at kick boxing though.

Colin G

re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post25 Feb 2007, 14:28

1.User name/real name if you want: Colin Gillies
2.Birth year: 1961
3.Occupation: Offshore construction
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Golf Gti's. Wristwatches
5.Favorite band(s): Stones
6. Favorite movie(s): Godfather trilogy. Blade runner.
7.Favorite type of watch: 1966 Speedmaster, 1966 Submariner
8. Years collecting: 11 years
9.Other things you collect: 70's furniture, ornaments
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: Out.

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: Nothing mysterious about me.
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post28 Feb 2007, 01:13

here I go again after these few years.

1.User name/real name if you want: azimuth_pl / crazywatches / Piotr (Peter)
2.Birth year: 1977
3.Occupation: Contract Logistics and IT Project Manager
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: watch repair, tinkering, DIY
5.Favorite band(s): Motorhead, Slayer (Lombardo rules), Megadeth, Metallica (less and less as they go soft)
6. Favorite movie(s): Fight Club, Trainspotting
7.Favorite type of watch: ss P2
8. Years collecting: 5-6
9.Other things you collect: old watchmaking tools and books
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: home with my gf
11. Mysterious indentity: well, azimuth_pl easily shows you the direction you have to take to meet me in person. whereas my website's Piglet logo is supposed to associate myself with a small individual who wants to give the rest a small piece of himself (sharing my ideas and findings with you guys)




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post03 Mar 2007, 06:02

1.User name/real name if you want: rmcadon
2.Birth year: 63
3.Occupation: aerial mechanic
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy:
5.Favorite band(s):
6. Favorite movie(s):
7.Favorite type of watch: Synchronar 2100
8. Years collecting:
9.Other things you collect: pepsi
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post07 Mar 2007, 18:35

1.User name/real name if you want: paulmondays/paul
2.Birth year: 1967
3.Occupation: Retail Manager from an archaeology degree? I like living in the sticks and there's retail everywhere.
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Fast, good handling bikes. I've got an R1 and a fireblade. Tae kwon-do. Running. Border collie madness.
5.Favorite band(s): Happy Mondays, Black Grape. Used to be into thrash metal in my youth.
6. Favorite movie(s): Life of Brian
7.Favorite type of watch: Pulsar, synchronar, omega.
8. Years collecting: 1
9.Other things you collect: broken bones, largely in the past now, I hope.
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: home, spent 18 years going out, don't want it now.

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity:
I'm a sinistral, a left hander with a weird pattern of brain organisation. As opposed to the dextral majority aka right-handers. Its called a balanced polymorphism in the evolutionary world. No other species has this type though.

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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post09 Mar 2007, 19:36


1.Corona with Lime
3.Not sure
4.Motorcycles, vintage Corvetts
5.Chicago (i'm old, gimme a break)
6. I'm mostly a horror fan, King, that sort of stuff
7.Hard to say, Pulsars for sure, but I'm only interested in stainless
8. 1 year collecting watches
9.Also seem to have a modist collection of former wives
10. Really riding my motorcycle down to the coast

Once upon a time, a swordsman and a magician fought. In that day and age such things were commonplace.

Sometimes the magician won, and the intelligence of the species was increased by some insignificant fraction.

Sometimes the swordsman won, and again the intelligence of the species was advanced, for it’s a poor magician who can’t defeat one miserable swordsman.




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post15 Mar 2007, 11:46

1.User name/real name if you want: Gino
2.Birth year: 1951
3.Occupation: Got boored with working (was stuck in various officies for hunderds of years).
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Proper cars, Photography, Horology, Audio. serious food.
5.Favorite band(s): Straight ahead Jazz as well as Bach, Mozart etc.
6. Favorite movie(s): The outlaw Josey Wales, The wild bunch, Mr Hulot's Holiday. Zulu, The cruel sea, Magnolia.
7.Favorite type of watch: Something complicated with lots of buttons.
8. Years collecting: 30+
9.Other things you collect: 35mm cameras, Nagra tape recorders, Nice old technology.
10. My idea of a good evening: Some good food, perhaps the theatre, and with someone special (my wife).
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: Ha, no mystery I'm just daft!




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post17 Mar 2007, 01:40

1. Cleversod /John (cleversod is an old works nickname that stuck)
2.Birth year: 1965
3.Occupation: Paramedic / Emergency Care Practitioner (NHS)
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Travelling, Gym, Current Affairs,
gadgets and esp LED watches!
5.Favorite band(s): Faithless
6. Favorite movie(s): Casino Royal, Amadeus
7.Favorite type of watch: Not sure yet, trying to keep open minded
8. Years collecting: Less than a year,, but been interested since they came out !
9.Other things you collect: Bills usually
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home:
Well, I like to travel, off to China and Thailand soon,,I do love the far east !

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity:
I've met every single one of the Royal Family, once spilled red wine down Princess Anne's white ball gown, she laughed ! I nearly died! LOL
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post21 Mar 2007, 04:57

1.User name: HDLED
2.Birth year: 1961
3.Occupation: Retired
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: bodybuilding/lifting weights
5.Favorite band(s): Anything but country
6. Favorite movie(s): Can't Decide.
7.Favorite type of watch: Pulsar SS Date Command followed closely by
any other Pulsar, and I'm certain that the Inverta will be right up there
with the Pulsars.
8. Years collecting: 7
9.Other things you collect: Comercial weight training equipment.
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: Staying
home with the family.
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post23 Apr 2007, 19:52

1.User name/real name if you want: Jollyaard/John
2.Birth year: 1975
3.Occupation: Facilities Engineer
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Football, Cycling, Gaming, Watch collecting :oops:
5.Favorite band(s): The Knife, High and Mighty Color, Polysics, Muse
6. Favorite movie(s): Blues Brothers, My Neighbour Totoro
7.Favorite type of watch: It's a fine balance between Tokima Digi-robo watches, and Citizen Independent 1481010
8. Years collecting: about 12ish
9.Other things you collect: DVDs, CDs, Decorative knives, Japanese collectable plastic toys, cameras ( you think I've got a collecting obsession yet? :P )
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: staying home, but with a load of friends round :)

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: My online identity is really short for Jolly Aardvark - and came from a combination of Jolly Roger (as in the pirate flag), and and e-mail I sent where I claimed to be an Aardvark




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: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post24 May 2007, 14:16

1.User name: CompuChron
2.Birth year: 1972
3.Occupation: flight attendant
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: carboot sales , gardening ,travelling
5.Favorite band(s): reggae , santana ,, electro ...
6. Favorite movie(s): Easy rider
7.Favorite type of watch: Hamilton Qed SS followed closely by
any other Pulsar.I like wearing my zenith analogue / Led recently
8. Years collecting: 4
9.Other things you collect: comic books, orange plastic stuff (from the 70's)
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: Staying
home with the family before going out on town with my friends!

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: Compuchron comes from a serious lack of imagination!
I 've had lot of compuchron's when I began collecting.




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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post07 Jun 2007, 22:25

1.User name: a0841561
2.Birth year: 1959
3.Occupation: engineer
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: flying, boating, scuba,travelling
5.Favorite band(s): eagles
6. Favorite movie(s): any james bond
7.Favorite type of watch: omega seamaster
8. Years collecting: 0
9.Other things you collect: guns
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: water skiing with my family
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re: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post11 Jun 2007, 22:58

I'm a newbie here but I've visited the site for about 2 years and I've been a member of for about a year now. Happy to be here. :D

User name/real name if you want: LEDlvr / Michael Selwa
2.Birth year: '68
3.Occupation: Recruiter for a hospital
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: classic LED/LCD's, sci-fi (reading and watching), mororcycling, running/weight lifting and classic vettes!
5.Favorite band(s): Depeche Mode, DD, motown and techno bands
6. Favorite movie(s): hard to pick one - but in the sci-fi genere
7.Favorite type of watch: LED=HP01 (someday I'll get one), LCD=Seiko G757
8. Years collecting: started in the early 80's but recently got back to it in 2003
9.Other things you collect: sci-fi books
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: staying home with my 6 month old son. Uh, and my wife too. ;)

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity:a.k.a. Zorin




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: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post02 Jul 2007, 20:51

1. User name/real name if you want: Handy
2. Birth year: 1967
3. Occupation: Photographic equipment technician
4. Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Horology, vintage radio equipment.
5. Favorite band(s): Rush, Black Sabbath
6. Favorite movie(s): The Italian Job (original)
7. Favorite type of watch: LED
8. Years collecting: 10 years
9. Other things you collect: Vinatge valve/tube radio equipment
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: A good DVD and several pints of lager :oops:




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: Who Are You? Take a turn.

Post03 Aug 2007, 21:33

.User name/real name if you want: Proraga/Chance
2.Birth year: 1969
3.Occupation: Account Manager Multi media Agency
4.Hobbies and things you really enjoy: Reading, Music , Collect watches
5.Favorite band(s): No real favorite but floyd would rate up there
6. Favorite movie(s): THe godfather follow closly by Indiana Jones Pt 1
7.Favorite type of watch: I have only just moved in to Digital , so my favorite still hass to my vinatge Tag Submariner
8. Years collecting: 4
9.Other things you collect: dust
10. Your idea of a good evening - out on town, or staying home: at home a few friends good wine and scotch

Bonus Question
11.Explain something mysterious about you or your online identity: Proraga is the latin moto on my family crest it mean loyalty to the King.

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