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Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

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Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

Post21 Sep 2010, 16:22

A big thanks to newer member Gary Ross( gfrossman) for these scans! 8-)
Last edited by retroleds on 23 Sep 2010, 15:50, edited 1 time in total. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

Post23 Sep 2010, 06:57

nice scans. i have one of those watches that i assembled probably in 1976 or so. i still runs to this day, keeps good time. i wear it occasionally. for some reason mine never did give a brighter display when pressing the #2 spot. it doesn't do anything at that spot. i also have a homemade battery clip in it. the original was lost long ago. peter :-)
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: Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

Post23 Sep 2010, 14:46

A while back I picked up a 'lucky lot' from eBay which contained two Sinclair Black Watches, surprising both of them worked with new batteries, I sold one of them and kept one for myself, what I did discover was that both watches where different, the one that I sold had the date feature and the digits on the display where close together, the one that I kept has no date feature, the display showed hours and seconds when pressed at the No 2 position rather than the date and the digits are spaced a lot further apart.
Is the model with the date the later Mk 2 version or was there a difference between the kit and the pre-built models?




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Re: Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

Post30 Jul 2013, 23:04

I cant seem to access these scans. Can anyone help? It would be great to be able to have the manual and instructions. Please help, thank you,
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Re: Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

Post31 Jul 2013, 01:41

Hello retroleds,

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Ok,ok, gee, thought someone else would give you direction ... black-kit/

There is also another SInclair page. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.




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Re: Sincalir Black Watch Kit Instructions/Manual

Post15 Aug 2013, 07:26

Thank you so much! wonderful.

retroleds wrote:Hello retroleds,

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Ok,ok, gee, thought someone else would give you direction ... black-kit/

There is also another SInclair page.

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