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You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post01 Jan 2012, 18:46

Gentlemen (and a few ladies):
I am happy to announce that I have sold the forum to Hanno Gollek (SASM) - the transfer will take place over the next week or so.

It has been a wild ride - sometimes fun, sometimes irritating as hell. And I know both of those emotions were mutual. :lol: I'm not a natural leader type - I did the best I could, with who and what I am. !@@!

My plans (for the curious):
1.Take a long break from coming here. ;*
2. NOT start another forum, but maybe revitalize my "mag" and my personal sales site.
3. Take in some repairs again, once I have caught up on a lot of personal things ( mother is terminally ill, probably not long for the world) :-( .
4. Focus on some other business ventures I have in the works.
5. Spend more time on my music "career" - I actually have a high likelihood of touring in the not to distant future....haven't done that since my 20s. 8-) Been growing my hair longer so I look like an [gracefully] aging hipster - hopefully. :mrgreen:

I made a LOT of friends here :-D , and some enemies too. :oops: But overall you have been a great group. Keep helping each other. And yes, you can still write me privately with questions, parts requests, etc.

I wish Hanno the very best in this - I have always maintained that people don't want to collect something that they can't get repaired. He will be helping that in his way, I will be helping in mine, others will help in theirs. Hanno also hopes to heal the collecting community - that part I am a little fearful of. There are a lot of crooked characters in every collecting genre.. As we warn children, "don't go with strangers".

I think my current signature sums it up pretty good. Mr. Cantarella is not going down in flames, nor will he wreck some kind of havoc on his way out the door. As I told someone else privately, I've been pounding the pulpit of responsibility to this collecting community for too long to go rogue. :twisted:

And they say nothing changes New Year's Day.

Love, Peace and Prosperity to all of you,
Ed - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post01 Jan 2012, 20:13

Ed, thank you for all the time and effort you have put into the DWF over the last few years and for making the DWF a great place to visit, I wish you well with your new ventures.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post01 Jan 2012, 21:22


I have not been a member of this forum for long.
However for what i can tell you did a great job maintaining this forum.
For i have been following things here for almost a year before i signed up.
I am sure you will leave it in good hands with mr. Hanno.
I still have some synchronars/sunwatches in need of repair or module.
He seems like the perfect guy for this aswell.

Be sure to keep the never ending word association alive. ;-)
I love your input there.

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post02 Jan 2012, 04:11

congratulations on the sale & good luck with your future endeavours.

great to hear the foum is going to Hanno too.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post02 Jan 2012, 13:08

Hello and a happy new year from the new forum owner! I am Hanno.

At the beginning I would like to thank Ed for the operation of this forum in the recent years. You did a great job and spend plenty of your free time to serve our community.

A few words to my intention and why I bought this forum:

I would like to keep this forum alive and hopefully it will grow a bit in the next years. Our community is still small and digitals still do not have the value they deserve. We all have to improve their credit and that includes Casio and Seiko digitals as well as Pulsar and Omega and all the smaller brand digital watches. One of my main goals would be and to merge into one big forum for digital watches, so that the fans of digital watches can join one community and do not have to decide. Personally I like the technical posts of and I have no stress with the owner.

What I would like to change and what stays the same:

The overall appearance of will stay the same, so there´s nothing to worry about. Maybe I will change some details so that the page will look a bit more professional. If you have ideas, please let me know!


I like the more or less advertisement-free pages of However this forum costs money and thus I find a bit of advertisement should be acceptable for all of us. I promise to keep an eye on this place so that it won´t become too much. If you have something to advertise, please let me know as well!


I do NOT intent to run a one-man-show. I guess we should have a few moderators which can delete spam posts. These moderators should also mind the decent behaviour of all users and no moderator including me as admin should delete the account of a member without the consultation of the moderator team.

What I would like from you:

Please link this forum on your private web pages! Name improvements which should be done! Keep an eye on your own behaviour and do not offend other members! Don´t hack our code! Be part of the moderator team! Send your new DWF design proposals!

So keep on posting! Thanks, Hanno :-D
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post02 Jan 2012, 20:35

Hanno, looking forward to the new era of the DWF under your ownership :-D

Some great idea's especially regarding merging the two forum's, maybe it would also be an appropriate time to consider inviting back some of the other ex members such as Howard, Jeff and Piotr.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post03 Jan 2012, 19:54

i will miss Ed's sarcasm :-D

wish him all the best in his new adventures. And i'm pretty sure we will see him again here from time to time.

Congratulation Hanno..this one is fitting perfect in your business.

As i'm more interested in Lcd then Led, i agree, we should try to improve the credit of all digital watches. I'm also a big fan of the technical posts.

My dream would be the merge of Adams digital watch librairy with this forum.
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Re: : You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post03 Jan 2012, 20:44

kasper wrote:i will miss Ed's sarcasm :-D

So it seems a certain person believes that I have a problem with sarcasm. Well thank you Captain Obvious for that startling revelation!
Do you know sarcasm?
- I speak fluently in sarcasm.

1.Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to use sarcasm.....

2.Sarcasm: Helping the intelligent politely tolerate the obtuse for thousands of years........

3.Fighting with me is like being in the special olympics. You may win, but in the end you’re still a retard.....

4.When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark....

5.It takes patience to listen.. it takes skill to pretend you’re listening.....

6.I’d tell you to go to hell, but i work there and i don’t want to see you everyday!

7.Cancel my subscription because I don’t need your issues.

8.It’s your lie…tell it however you want!

9.Sarcasm is just another free service I offer. No refunds.

10.This is my cup of care…. \_/ …. Oh! Would you look at that, it’s empty! :mrgreen:

"Violence is my last option." Chuck Norris !@@! - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post04 Jan 2012, 02:49

i kind of enjoyed ed's down to earth sarcasm. it put a little realism in the show. like another forum i am a member of dealing with mechanical watches. would you believe there are people out there that don't know what an automatic watch is???? or how to wind a watch??? are we really making progress here? :eek: :eek: :cry: best wishes to ed. i for one thought he did an excellent job. peter
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post04 Jan 2012, 13:36

Thanks Ed for all your hard work and for some excellent examples of watches i have been able to purchase from you. I will keep in touch.

Hi Hanno - its is so nice that Ed's successor is well known to the collecting community and is also well involved in keeping our precious collections alive. I know the forum is in safe hands.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post04 Jan 2012, 19:09

Wow - I disappear for a few days and the whole world changes on me! :eek:

Ed - It's been a pleasure visiting this site these past few years and you have been a great Site Admin and Moderator/ Instigator (lol!). And your repair work and advice has been invalueable to so many of us. You will certainly be missed and I sincerely hope that you keep in touch and visit 'us' often.

Hanno - my interactions wth you via Strikes and Spares have always been positive and "uber professional". I look forward to your leadership on this site and any new ideas you roll out.

I know it's a few day late but HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!
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Re: : You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post04 Jan 2012, 20:12

LEDluvr wrote:Wow - I disappear for a few days and the whole world changes on me! :eek:

Ed - It's been a pleasure visiting this site these past few years and you have been a great Site Admin and Moderator/ Instigator (lol!). And your repair work and advice has been invalueable to so many of us. You will certainly be missed and I sincerely hope that you keep in touch and visit 'us' often.
Thanks Mike! Gee, didn't know I was such a big part of your world :oops:

I'll still visit and contribute as long as practical/enjoyable. Not getting out of the watch biz., just taking a more laid back approach. Who knows, maybe I will find time to do some repairs for the public again.
Here, a little JImi Hendrix for your ears and soul....a little before your time, but what the hay, I'm just giving you exposure to 'culture'.
Castles Made of Sand - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post05 Jan 2012, 20:11

Thanks to the previous owner, and congratulations to the new one.

It would be great to get more traffic to this site. 8-)
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Re: : You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post05 Jan 2012, 20:33

Caruso wrote:Thanks to the previous owner, and congratulations to the new one.

It would be great to get more traffic to this site. 8-)
Thanks Caruso!
Someone on "another forum" commented that it would be nice if THIS site looked like THAT site. :?: Hmmm? Dead, lifeless, boring and inclusive? M:)W:)M This site has the vast majority of traffic in this genre - I imagine that is why Hanno wanted it.

Anyway, I'll have dotted all the eyes :eek: and crossed all the Ts in a few more days. :arrow: 8-)

It would be a good idea to fold up that other place, most of them have been coming here anyways. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: : You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post05 Jan 2012, 22:06

Ed, you did a great job in maintaining this place for us over the last years, I really appreciate your work, and we also had some nice and interesting private conversations :-D.
There used to be times when the first and last thing I did on the PC every day was to look for new postings on dwf, and I never forgot that all this was for free and that someone had to work and spend money so that I can visit this place. In this regard, I could also accept if didn't look perfect in my eyes, as long as it just worked - and that it always did.
Again: ED, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all! I wish you the best in your new ventures, and as you'll not be totally out of the watch repair business, I'm sure you'll drop in from thime to time.

retroleds wrote:...Someone on "another forum" commented that it would be nice if THIS site looked like THAT site. :?: Hmmm? Dead, lifeless, boring and inclusive? M:)W:)M This site has the vast majority of traffic in this genre...
I guess you mean this statement. That was referring to Hanno's statement above "Maybe I will change some details so that the page will look a bit more professional. If you have ideas, please let me know!" I think it's quite clear that it's about the LOOKS, and neither traffic nor attention. :-?

I like the idea of a merge, I never thought it was a good idea to split up this rather small community. But it wouldn't be a "merge of equals" - similar to reunification of East and West Germany (or Daimler Benz and Chrysler...) ;) Obviously has seen a lot more traffic than since the "divorce", but has some excellent articles on digital watch history (especially LCD) that deserve more attention.
But it certainly would be quite a task to merge both forums in a way that the result is more than the sum of both parts.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post06 Jan 2012, 00:32

Well, I guess aesthetics is in the eye of the beholder. I've always thought that other place look very neglected - rare is the person :mrgreen: who will work to maintain a site like this as if it is a matter of personal pride. No spark of life there, not even a smidgen of color. I think a big part of that is the tone of the "presiding" members - they are so removed from the guys that HAVE to work on their own stuff or stick with the more basic models by financial necessity. I've tried to make sure that both beginner and well-heeled collector could get some community and help out of this site. I am not sure how the moderator teams will work: as you know(I asked you at least once) I did try to solicit people to be moderators and got no takers. Other than one person who hoped that I wold give them edit/delete privileges. So, I slogged along as a reluctant dictator as such. I pray that you guys won't have to deal with a "Lord of the Flys" mentality here.

I was appalled to see that Peter Formanek is Hanno's Canada "service point" - a man of such low character in my opinion and that of many others that it seems analogous to having a pedophile run a daycare center. Don't forget the Canadian ebay he ran you guys through!

Thank you for the kind words, and for your help when my 80 yr. old uncle was coming from Germany(I'm 3/4 'kraut). Three weeks of communicating mainly through handheld, electronic, translators.

I think that's about it. I'll check out shortly. No destruction - I'm not :-D Thomas.

If I'm not completely booted, maybe I'll come back and dish a little, occasionally. Roll up some of that wicked sarcasm. Honestly - hoping that not being in this position will take some of the edge off my interactions. It's been fucking tiring. ;*
Last edited by retroleds on 07 Jan 2012, 05:39, edited 1 time in total. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post06 Jan 2012, 05:19

All started with my Phasar 2000, I started wondering if other people where
also interested in this old watches, following links I got the Ed's site and from there to the DWF. next day I joined the forum.Ed was one of the first to welcome me.

I didn't knew much about LED's and I was warned about the LED bug. After 17 or so watches I have to find the fix. I had learned a lot int the forum, so many knowledgeable people ready to give advise.
To this point I have refinished 2 Pulsar cases which are ready for SAMS- modules.

Bottom line is Ed did a great job bring usall together.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post08 Jan 2012, 04:28

Well, I think that's it. Understand there will be a few hiccups, but hopefully nothing too drastic.

Thanks for the PMs of thanks(you know who you are).

Ed-ios! :arrow: ;* ~:( - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post09 Jan 2012, 20:59

Congratulations to Hanno on this excellent development.I believe that Hanno and Strikes and spares will ,over the months and years be the most important person in this field.As original modules fail ,more and more will be upgraded to more reliable electronics,hopefully this will preserve these beautiful and unique time pieces. A warm welcome to you Hanno. :-D
On another note,it would be great to see a change to the home page which has been sort of boring for a long time.
Perhaps an interesting "time line " showing pictures of the watches as they developed over the years,
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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post19 Jan 2012, 23:56

Thank god we have a new stable force who owns this website.

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: You have a new forum admin. & owner

Post20 Jan 2012, 15:37

Ah yes, its onwards and upwards to some welcome changes .
I am sure you will find Hanno a very helpful,patient and interesting person to converse with.I have had a few pleasant transactions here .He is the most important addition to this site in order to advise and help us keep the oldies going.New electronics will provide a life line for all vintage leds .

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