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Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD/LED

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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post26 Nov 2004, 13:16

Don?t tell me what I need to do or we?ll have serious problems.

And now - even more bullshit, now you?re trying to let me look like the evil person. Just face it - you have no right to publish a book you don?t own the copyright for.

And if people would like to help this book from catching dust, then get it from Zantech - Zanoni for sure didn?t write this book for others to copy and sell it.

And this BS again - dude you did NOT give it away for free and even if you did it would still be illegal pirating. Dude you can pirate what you want, I don?t care, you can even sell reprints from Stephen King books as long as you DO NOT ADVERTISE IT IN THESE FORUMS!!!

DAMN, I?m really upset. I?ve seen forums getting closed because of less obvious acts of piracy. DO you really want to destroy these forums we all love just to sell 2 more copies of a book you didn?t even write?

And why is nobody having the book when they dont buy it from you? Do you think Zanoni is a damned scammer who never sends you the book after payment? I really don?t get the point, but no matter how often you excuse it, it?s just plain illegal.

And when Socrates was alive the word "copyright" wasn?t even invented, not even PRINTING was invented, what a dumb example. And socrates did not sell his books for money like Zanoni does.

Well, just go and sit in front of your TV hoping that everyone now hates me, but my advise would be that you write your own book about watch repair. Then you can print it as often as you want, even on expensive glossy paper. But well - it?s probably easier to scan and reprint someone else?s book I guess...
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post26 Nov 2004, 14:02

Once again you have shown your level of politeness. The lowest of all forum-members. People can read and they can judge my and your words. Let them judge on their own. I'm not judging you only your level of speaking on the forum. Even Embelton admitted it that you have crossed the line. Speak up and tell everybody that copying is illegal - you have the full right - but you do not have the right to insult people!!!
I don't want people to hate anybody, your level of speaking and insulting is just below any category. This is the point!

And once again your calling me a liar and admitting that I'm making money while I'm not. Can't you read my honest explanations?
So honestly who is bullshiting here? Bullshitting means telling things that are not true thus I can honestly call your words bullshitting as you are constantly calling me a liar. What is not true.
Where do you have a statement that it was printed on glossy paper? Printing services cost money. Of course I was not giving it away for free because I don't have a sponsor. Materials are not free. But as I said before, cash was not earned here - only services and materials covered.
In reference to Zantech, the only problem is that you wait long to get it. Unfortunately, it's YOU who mentioned the word "scammer". Not me.

To sum up, the case is closed. I'm not going to waste my time any more on this subject and on making the book available. As I don't get anything for it, it's not worth the bother, time and being called a liar.
By the way, get into books and read more philosophy from Socrateses times, as you don't know history from his time. Copyright is as old as humanity and Scribes were copying books by hand, letter after letter. And in reference to money, read even more, as the Ancient nations were doing very different things for money.

As for me, I have no hard feelings to anybody. Honestly.
If you have - I would recommend a shrink.
Case closed!


Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post02 Dec 2004, 02:16

One more question on the matter of piracy. I remember ayear or two ago there was a guy selling his videotape that he had put together of the pulsar films. I remember bidding on that one against you azimuth but you won it for about $40 (I think). as soon as you got it you put it onto dvd and you've been selling that every week for about two years. you must have made a ton of money on that.

Do you think that is piracy. there must be a copyright on that film from somewhere? how much have you made on that - $1000? because its not your work either, you seem like a guy with no regard for other peoples work to me, dont get me wrong the shirts are fantastic. but why dont you try to make the money on your own work?
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post02 Dec 2004, 11:19

during the last year I have sold exactly 29 copies. I think I can say only 29. Only 1 (one) sold thru my website.
You people think you are very clever by calling me this and that.
What have you done to promote led watch history? Do you think digitizing the tape was free???? Do you think everybody is a computer freak that has tons of hardware at home and skills to do it. I can repair watches but computers are not my profession.
If somebody else would buy the Pulsar video, it would probably end up in the thrash after being viewed once or catch dust for 50 years on a shelf in somebody's house. And even after that time the magnetic tape wouldn't contain anything due to age. My digital recording has made this immortal for ages to come.
I took the risk and chance and bought a Pulsar VHS tape although I didn't have a clue what it contained. "mikestute" was the eBay seller and he got the tape at some fleamarket or similar. He described it as advertisement materials recorded from short TV ads. Well, that was the description with no pictures of the content.
Once I got, I spent plenty of time to find a service and invested money to have it slightly remastered and profesionally digitalized into a disc in a profesional TV studio.
Honestly speaking I have reached the breakeven point after the 18th disc.
And now 5$ per piece is rather a symbolic price for a CD, CD label, color print for the label and depreciating my CD burner.
Today plenty of people can have the chance to view the contents and learn. Is that a crime? I wonder what would be the result if you would win the tape?

So first think - then judge.
By the way, I think you improperly treat my disclaimers as worthless junk statements.
1000's of $$$???? that made me laugh really loud. :lol:
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post02 Dec 2004, 15:34

is this have a go at Piotr week? :D I've dealt with him in the past and he's no robber, I remember buying a Jaz Derby Swissonic watch from him on a "buy it now" from ebay, before sending the watch he warned me of the risks involved with sending a such delicate watch through post etc, and something about the watch running and stoping, I can't remember exactly what it was he said but I remember not being happy about it, I replied saying that if this had been in the description I might not have bought the watch, he said that he didn't really expect anyone to buy the watch at the buy it now price and he offered to either cancel the deal, or make a very generous discount on the price, how many ebay sellers would do that?
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post02 Dec 2004, 15:39

Hi Richie,
thanx for that, by the way, I guess that 100$ discount helped you :)

Piotr the biggest pirate ever ;-P




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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post03 Dec 2004, 01:22

I have bought the DVD from Piotr and i have to say that im pleased with it and i would probably never seen the "ads" if Piotr had not made them available.
So Thanks Piotr for promoting LED watch tecnology by selling this interesting DVD.
As to the erlier debate, -I think it?s been blown out of proportion and the tone and language used is under all critique in many parts.

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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post16 Mar 2005, 20:08

I thought I might be able to shed a little light on this discussion ( or should I say argument). I don't want to get into the middle of the who's right or wrong with respect the legalities of this situation, I just wanted to let you know that Lou Zanoni does not own Zantech any more. He sold the company to the present owners along with the rights to his books in 1996. If anyone has any questions about whether they can legally make copies of Zanoni's books, even for their own use, I suggest you contact Zantech directly. I know that this information is correct because I got it directly from Mr. Zanoni today.

I would like to add that I think that Fronzelneekburm's use of foul and agressive language is objectionable and unnecessary, especially for a moderator. I think that he should conduct himself in a more professional manner. I am by no means a prude. I can cuss with the best of them, but I think it's inappropriate in this venue. I've been visiting this site for some time, but I just recently signed up as a member because I thought I might be able to add something to the discussions and possibly help someone, but now I'm not so sure I did the right thing. I'm hoping I won't see this again. I'm disappointed.
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post16 Mar 2005, 23:55

Oh, such an old thread revived...

OK, well I guess with so many people hating me now for my obscene language I just do what I should have done earlier: I apologize.

Sorry to everyone, especially to azimuth for my bad language.
I must admit I was a little bit upset when I read this thread the first time as I myself have lost money due to piracy. But well - I dont know Zanoni or Zantech personally, so I guess I dont need to care.

Sorry everyone!

But if I ever catch you selling some of my software I?ll KICK you! :P

(just kidding) :D
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post05 Feb 2006, 02:09

Found this thread a year later :)
No harm done Fronz and I said the same the last time we argued.
Never did I have any hard feelings due to our "dispute".
I don't treat my hobby as a profession (unlike Barbie for instance) nor do I use it to feed my stomach thus it's not the money which counts for me and I have made the manual, pulsar video and other things available for others to make the information more accessible and never did I intend to gain profits (aside a return on the spendings and some time).
Now that I know the reaction of most collectors I no longer intend to bother doing similar things and spending money on having it done even if some information would be extremely rare and inaccessible.
I'm glad that in the end we all found some common sense and understanding.
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Re: Looking for original copy of Zanoni's repair book on LCD

Post19 Feb 2006, 14:49

Meoowch! Copyright on written materials is 54 years, which then can be renewed(unlike functional patents which are good for 17 years, design patents 14 yrs.....all per U.S. Patent law, which most of Europe,Canada,Mexico and South America follow/respect/duplicate). My brother is a registered patent attorney - I worked in his office for 12 years.

The Zanoni book I ordered from Zantech WAS a copy, but of extremely good quality and legibility. Copying a book that is still in print is blatent stealing IMHO, but copying the Pulsar ads is(while technically a violation) kind of a grey area. Why? Ads are meant to promote - the DVD is now promoting a product, that isn't even for sale. There is little harm, financial or otherwise to any potential copyright holders, unless they were planning on sellling copies. That potential for sales could get azi' sued.

Fronzel - you were right to get steamed. Swearing just means you are passionate about your opinion.LOL! - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.

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