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Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post03 Jun 2005, 22:34

It can't be repaired, you need a new module. I think Junghans should offer you an exchange if you ask. The product does not perform as advertised, they can't deny that.




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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post10 Jun 2005, 13:02

Hi All,

I discovered this forum a couple of months ago and have visited it every day since, enjoying it very much!!! I just registered as an "official" member so I can participate in the "posts".

Prior to purchasing this watch I did a bunch of research, including all of the posts on the "Forum". In addition to what has been posted here, I learned the following:

All Mega 1000's are fully MultiFrequency and will work in the USA (VERY IMPORTANT TO ME AS I LIVE IN THE US), Japan and Europe (WWVB, JJY40, JJY60, DCF77.5). Junghans will replace the movement of any Mega 1000 that does not work as a MultiFrequency watch. The reason the manual did not mention transmitters outside Germany is that it was printed before the decision was made to make it a MultFrequency watch. Due to heavy demand Junghans cannot supply more until September. Models produced after September will be the same price and have the same model numbers as before. I think this should help clear the air a little bit.

FYI - From my web surfing for this model watch, it is currently not available in in the US at this time; I even called the official US Junghans distributor. I did a world wide search and found a seller in in UK who will ship world-wide. I did order the watch from them for OCTOBER DELIVERY and found them to be very nice, friendly and helpful. For those members who might have difficulty in finding this watch, their URL is:

Regards to all!!!
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post10 Jun 2005, 13:32

Since mine does not work in the US, I would be in less of a hurry to buy one, IMO.




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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post10 Jun 2005, 15:07

Just saw the reply to my post about the Mega 1000. I am still in the process of researching this watch even though I have already paid for the watch, with a promised delivery in October. Has anyone with the "problem of it not working here in the States or elsewhere" contacted the Junghans folks about a repacement "module" or "fix". From what I have been told they "guarantee" that the watch will work in the US. I am most curious if a company of Junghans reputation will make the "problem" right. Thanks!!!
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post10 Jun 2005, 16:00

Welcome to the forum :D
collector wrote:Junghans will replace the movement of any Mega 1000 that does not work as a MultiFrequency watch.
That's good news for ronaldheld.

collector wrote:The reason the manual did not mention transmitters outside Germany is that it was printed before the decision was made to make it a MultFrequency watch
I don't know who gave you this info, but I believe what Junghans told me (see my post of 2005-06-02).

The transmitters were removed from the printed version, not added to the PDF. A meticulous comparison of both texts reveals remnants of removed sentences in the printed version. AFAIK, the Mega 1000 has been announced as MF from the very beginning.

collector wrote:Models produced after September will be the same price and have the same model numbers as before.
If they have the same numbers, how will we be able to distinguish between old and new version? Not a good idea IMHO.

Availability: there are a lot of them on ebay, at least in Germany. Some of the sellers ship worldwide. But as you live in the US, I'd wait until the updated version is available. Or try your luck and get one from a German seller, or perhaps ronaldheld's, saves you shipping cost :wink:




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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post19 Jun 2005, 08:54

klama wrote:Hi folks,

today I received my Junghans MEGA 1000. This watch is absolutely stunning. The version with the SS bracelet weighs a whopping 170 Markus.

Hello all, I think I must warn you all about my bad experience with this watch..

I bough it one week ago on ebay from a german retailer, it's not second hand, it has all the warranties and invoice with it...

The problem is that the watch is unable to synchronize either with DCF 77 or with any other time source, I live in Northern Italy, it's not so far from Frankfurt, the site where DCF 77 signal is sent out...

I had many other Junghans watches so far, I never had a problem of synchronization, even when I used to travel to south Italy, the signal was always received correctly...

Currently I have two Junghans MegaSolarCeramic watches and hey keep synchronized.

The strange thing is that the watch started missing the signal when it left germany to come to me, there is a counter showing haw many days have passed since last reception.... my conclusion is that this model is pretty "deaf", quite less sensitive than the other jungans' the reason may be the stainless steel case acting as a "faraday cage" against the radio signal....

Now I will send mine back for service, I hope they can find a way to solve this problem.....

Sorry to bother you, I had to warn you :-)

Adolfo Melilli - Pordenone - Italy
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post19 Jun 2005, 15:03

Hi Adolfo,

Interesting news you have, I had only heard it has problems with 60kHz transmitter signals because of LCD interference.
Mine does synchronize to DCF77, but I live about half as far away from Frankfurt than you, and there are no Alps in between.

I made some "sync" experiments and compared the Mega 1000 with a recently purchased Mega 1 (15 years old, the first RC wristwatch ever).
Result: the Mega 1 is MUCH better! I couldn't make it NOT synchronize.
In contrast, there are some places in my home where the Mega 1000 won't synchronize. Luckily, it works where I have my watches at night. But if I switch on the high-frequency flourescent lamp near that place, the Mega 1000 can't sync there either. The lamp does not bother the Mega 1.

I hope the new version will be better.
Please keep us informed about your case.

@collector: the shop where you purchased theMega 1000 links to this thread for a review, see here. I wonder if he's aware of all the criticism :wink:
If you get yours in October, I guess it'll be the "updated" version.




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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post05 Jul 2005, 12:05

This is an update about the amazing story of my mega 1000.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote to WatchMyWatches, the German vendor who sold me the watch, he replied to me saying that I should return the unit to an Italian Junghans service center, but if I could not do that, i would help me anyway...

Once upon a time there was a company named "Jungnans italia".. now this company does not exist anymore...

So I searched the web for a Junghans repairing center in Italy, I could not find any,

So I searched the main website in Germany. there is a company in Milan reprted on thei site as the "italian reference" for Junghans.

I called this company twice, they seemed not to understand what I'm talking about (!!) they told me the right person I should speak to, was out (!!).

So I wrote to Junghans (Germany) Central Customer Support, I explained them in details that I have other junghans watches at home and all of them work correctly except the mega 1000... Despite of that, they replied after 5 days with arguments like "try to synchronize your watch outdoor, as building may disturb the reception".,.. I suspect they neither read the message entirely ...

So I replied REPEATING that if the building would disturb the signal, NO junghans watch would work in my home..... I did it one week ago, no reply so far...

this is the current status.... please mind it .. folks :-)
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post05 Jul 2005, 14:04

It helps if you address or quote a name directly in the email.
A month ago there was photo of Junghans product manager Christian Thiel in the customer's magazine of a major power supplier (EnBW). On that photo he was wearing 3 Mega 1000s. One of them was a second behind the other two. Perhaps he didn't synchronize it outdoors :wink:
I'd give it a try and email to The address does exist (google), but I've never had contact with him.
Here's a pdf with the photo (on page 5).

BTW: I've made quite positive experience with Junghans service, recently they sent me the original manual for an over 10 year old a Mega 1 at no charge :D.
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post07 Jul 2005, 17:37

Hi all,

First thanks to Kateshitikano for the update on this watch.

I am still on the waiting list for the October version of this watch. Despite all I've read here, I am still hopefull that the updated watch meets our / my expectations. I do have a Junghans Mega "Atomic" Stainless Steel watch and it operates flawlessly, (over 1500 miles) from the Denver Time Signal.

MOVING ON, THE PURPOSE of this post is to ask all of those who might have had a problem with the MEGA 1000:

Did any of you return the Mega 1000 watch to Junghans for a repair?

What was Junghans response?

Did Junghans repair the problem?

Anthing else you might have learned from communicating with Junghans?

Last edited by collector on 03 Mar 2006, 20:15, edited 1 time in total.




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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post08 Jul 2005, 11:49

I live near you and have the same problem. I gave up on trying to get it to synch up, and am waiting for the fall.
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post09 Oct 2005, 19:44

The new version seems to be out (lots of Mega 1000s on ebay in the last days), so I added instructions how to check the version number in this posting (under "undocumented features").
Mine shows "VER 01 JH".
Could someone with a recently purchased Mega 1000 check the version to see if there's a difference?
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post18 Mar 2006, 15:35

kateshitikano wrote:The new version seems to be out (lots of Mega 1000s on ebay in the last days), so I added instructions how to check the version number in this posting (under "undocumented features").
Mine shows "VER 01 JH".
Could someone with a recently purchased Mega 1000 check the version to see if there's a difference?

Hi, I'm new here. Read all the messages about this watch since I bought one last week. According to the retailer, this is the latest model. What I was told is there were several improvements and the watch now comes with sapphire glass rather then mineral glass in the previous versions (it also says 'sapphire crystal' on the carbon back).

To answer your question, the version now says 'Ver 02 JH'. This is the first time the watch was reset (because I did not know how to) and for the last 15 minutes or so it is trying to synchronize with the transmitter near Frankfurt, about 600 kilometers from where I live (in the north of the Netherlands). I'm a little disappointed that it still cannot find a signal, since my atomic alarmclock always synchronize within less than 5 minutes or so. Of course, this alarmclock has a much bigger antenna.

Anyway, I'm very content with this watch sofar, the design appeals to my taste and the quality seems to be very good.
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Re: Junghans MEGA 1000 - I've got it!

Post18 Mar 2006, 18:18

Hi grun, welcome here :)
grun wrote:.... and for the last 15 minutes or so it is trying to synchronize with the transmitter near Frankfurt, about 600 kilometers from where I live (in the north of the Netherlands). I'm a little disappointed that it still cannot find a signal....
It is quite normal that you don't get a good signal during saylight. It's much better at night.
You can see this here for the U.S. WWVB transmitter.


Post02 Apr 2006, 15:15

Likely so :)

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